Schumacher 365 Week #33

Day 219/365

IMG_4477.JPGToday was the day we had to say goodbye to the Rudes. They took a teaching job in South Korea for a year. We can’t wait to go visit them in the spring, but we miss them a lot.

Day 220/365

IMG_4478.JPGElsie insisted on having Evie over for a pool playdate, even though it was about 60 degrees out. Right before this picture Elsie was running and tripped over the edge of the pool doing a belly flop. She lasted for about 5 more minutes before she decided it was time to go inside.

Day 221/365

IMG_4479.JPGWhile I was getting the kids dressed I realized their matching Seahawks onesies wouldn’t fit very much longer so we decided to participate in our first Blue Friday.

Day 222/365

IMG_4482.JPGWe spend the day at the lake for Mason’s birthday. These cousins just couldn’t handle all the partying that was happening. I love their poses, can you say related?!

Day 223/365

IMG_0068.JPGI woke up the next day so sick that all I could stomach was applesauce and laying in bed. Luckily Josh took care of the kids and I was given a day of rest.

Day 224/365

IMG_4480.JPGBy the looks of it you wouldn’t be able to tell she didn’t nap and screamed at me for over an hour. Who says staying home is always glorious.

Day 225/365

IMG_4483.JPGWhile making biscuits for dinner Elsie decided she needed to help. She took all of the leftover dough and placed it in the cookie cutter. I love when she helps me in the kitchen. Note the tutu.








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